The Therapy Team 6D, 7398 Yonge St Suite# 646, Vaughan, ON L4J 8J2 416-454- 2323

Are You A Teen Looking For A Caring Yet Unbiased Approach To Therapy?

Do you feel pressured to succeed and map out a life plan well before you’ve even figured out what you want or who you are as a person?

Do you find it hard to get along with your parents and feel as if they don’t get you?

Are you looking for a healthy way to handle the stress of academics, relationships, and teenage life in general?

Do you find yourself:

Stressing about fitting in or measuring up to other people’s expectations?

Dreading school days or planning for the future?

Worrying about leaving friends and family for the first time?

Feeling lonely, misunderstood, or confused about your identity?

Struggling with bullying, abuse, or sexual trauma?

The Teenage Years Are Tough For Good Reason

When you’re a teenager, every day can be filled with new challenges, so it’s perfectly okay if you’re feeling lost, alone, or even hopeless. This is an exciting yet difficult time, so everything you are feeling is valid. Even at your best, you may struggle with:

Without some form of guidance or support, these challenges can negatively influence your entire life’s trajectory, which is why counselling for teens can be so helpful.

At The Therapy Team, we understand how difficult life as a teenager can be, and we want to help you navigate stress, change negative thinking, and develop a plan for finding happiness on your own terms.

The Life Of A Teenager Is More Complicated Than Ever Before

Teens face enormous demands and expectations from parents, peers, friends, society, and even themselves. You’re expected to succeed academically, be popular, excel in sports, and engage in extracurricular clubs and organizations.

At the same time, you’re dating, working your first job, and choosing colleges all while magically divining exactly what you want to do for the rest of your life. No pressure there. Then there’s online bullying, technological distractions, and the temptation to compare yourself to others on social media.

It’s No Wonder Why These Years Are So Difficult

In Canada alone, it is estimated that 1.2 million teens and children are impacted by mental illness—sadly, only 20 percent seek counselling.* These are staggering figures.

However, those numbers fail to represent the millions of teens who aren’t having their basic needs met because they come from homes with marital issues, domestic violence, substance use, or absent parents. Some kids are even unfortunate enough to suffer abuse, sexual assault, or the traumatic loss of a loved one.

So there are a multitude of incredible challenges that teens have to face—but that doesn’t mean you have to face them alone. Our teen counsellors at The Therapy Team are here to listen to your thoughts, give space to your feelings, and validate your experiences while helping you solve problems and heal from within.

Counselling For Teens Can Be Your Sanctuary From The Stress Of The World

teen therapy

The first thing we want you to know about therapy for teens is that it takes great courage and strength to ask for help. All too often, we get caught up in trying to fix everything on our own, but that just leads to needless struggling when help is so close. So it’s incredible and wonderful you are here.

Reaching out to a trusted adult, such as a teacher, spiritual leader, or parent, can be crucial for overcoming problems. However, sometimes teens need a safe, impartial space where they can be themselves without judgment, which is why counselling can be so beneficial.

It gives you a chance to explore your relationships, find solutions to problems, and learn coping strategies for handling social, emotional, and academic stress more effectively. Ultimately, we want you to get to a place where you feel secure in yourself, supported and connected to your peers and loved ones, and capable of imagining a joyful and meaningful life.

What Is Counselling For Teens Like?

Each person is different, so we really just want to start by tuning in to where you are and giving you space to share what’s on your mind. We can talk about what brings you to therapy and the goals you’d like to accomplish while equipping you with coping strategies and a concrete plan for getting you there.

Because some topics, such as sexual trauma, abuse, or loss, can trigger feelings of shame or guilt, we’ll always respect your boundaries, proceeding at a pace that you control. We also offer all our teen therapy services online, so you can meet on your cell phone or laptop, at home or in a car, or whichever way is most comfortable for you.

Our therapists are all trauma-trained and attachment-based, focusing on an overall mind-body approach to healing that looks different for each person. Some of the therapeutic methods we use include:

These time-tested and research-driven strategies can help you process and resolve traumatic events, gain insight into your relationships, and strengthen family bonds. We’ll teach you how to reduce stress and anxiety, manage negative thoughts and emotions, and improve and promote healthy communication.

Because our teen therapists are all trauma-informed, we can peel back the layers of emotional wounding and help you heal on a deep, sustainable level. We can also work on overcoming current issues with relationships, academic stress, plotting a path into the future, or merely discovering who you are and what you want out of life.

At The Therapy Team, our teen counsellors simply want to meet you where you are—as you are—so we can collaborate on designing a treatment plan that speaks to you as an individual. Whatever you are going through, we want you to know that change is possible, and we are here to help.

With the support of our skilled and compassionate therapists, counselling for teens can ease your mind, help you heal, and offer you practical yet effective ways of getting what you want out of this life.

Perhaps You’re Considering Counselling For Teens But Still Have Concerns…

Our therapists are all registered and licensed, which means they all are required by law to keep your information strictly confidential unless otherwise stated by Ontario Law. We value your privacy and will always ask for your written permission before any information is shared with anyone.

Absolutely not! If you are coming for youth therapy, parents are typically not invited to attend. If there is sufficient reason for a parent to participate occasionally, your therapist will discuss this with you, giving you the option of permitting or not permitting your parents. It is your right to decline. However, if you feel it would be helpful to work out issues or strengthen your relationships with your parents, we also offer family counselling for teens as a separate option.

We’re confident that our compassionate, trauma-trained teen therapists have the tools and experience needed to make sure that what you are going through now doesn’t follow you for the rest of your life. Whether it involves anxiety, depression, trauma, low self-esteem, relationship problems, academic stress—you name it—counselling for teens can help. And as with any healing process, the sooner you start, the sooner you can cast off the past and begin taking on the future with confidence.

Let Us Help You Find The Joy In These Years

The teenage years can be naturally difficult, but our counsellors at The Therapy Team want you to know that there is help—and you are going to be okay. Please Contact us for your free, 15-minute consultation to ask questions, share your story, and learn more about how counselling for teens can help you.

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